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“Don’t limit yourself based on the opinions and expectations of others.  You already have everything you need to be what God designed you to be.”
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Apostle Terri


Apostle Terri is above all a servant in God's Kingdom. To God be the glory for the things He has done.


Apostle Terri Webster felt the calling of God at an early age.


At the age of 18, she fully gave her life to Christ at Zion Tabernacle Apostolic Church under the leadership of the late Suffragan Bishop Joseph D. Farris. She answered the call to the ministry at the age of 21 under his leadership. After answering the call, she became a Licensed Missionary and faithfully served as a minister on the Prison Ministry, Nursing Home Ministry, Street Ministry and Door to Door ministry for over fourteen years. While serving in this capacity, she also served as a Youth Leader and Camp Counselor for many years. She graduated from Aenon Bible College's Teaching Course and was anointed and consecrated as a Teacher while at Zion Tabernacle.

There is nothing that can stop you from being the best version of you
exactly the way God intended for you to be!

Apostle  Terri 

Equips + Builds Leaders

She has been mantled with the offices of Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, Elder, Prophet, Prophetic Intercessor and Apostle. Apostle Terri wants everyone to know that the titles do not make her who she is. The grace and love of God along with the privilege to serve God’s people is what makes her who she is in the Kingdom of God. Having the privilege to serve in many capacities is her life’s greatest blessing. 


Labor of Love was birthed in the presence of God in 2004 during a Leader’s Conference at Transformation Church. 


The purpose of Labor of Love is twofold. 

First, to assist the people of God with their relationship with God.  She wants to encourage everyone to not only read and study the Word of God but to live for God no matter what.  There is no trial too great that God can not take us through.  The Word will give us strength.


What is

Labor of  Love Ministries?

Image by Samantha Gades

Terri's Books!


Transformation is a process that begins at salvation and continue throughout the life of a Christian. Just like the butterfly, our lives are changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord purposed for all believers to become more like His Son, Jesus, our Savior. Words That Transform is designed to foster growth and maturity. Its devotional style and conversational tone makes it practical and relevant for believers in all stages of transformation. Through this book, God uses Apostle Terri to coach believers through the process of transformation.


Featured  Books

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Next  Level Ministry Mentoring

Next Level Ministry Mentoring

Apostle Terri offers opportunities to the Body of Christ to enhance their gifts and callings. She wants you to excel.  She teaches the Body of Christ to study and rightly divide the word of God with clarity and confidence as well as helps them discover their gifts and learn to operate in them. 

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